Founded in January 2018
Business based on Open Source
An academic background: University of Cambridge, ENS,
inria, IIT Madras
and industry/startup veterans: XenSource, Citrix, Unikernel
Systems, Docker
Around 70 software engineers specialised in systems, programming languages and security
At Tarides, we develop products centered on security
More than 70% of security bugs are memory safety issues (Microsoft, Chromium, Android, public 0-days exploits)
OCaml compiler ensures to be free from memory issues
OCaml type system allows to
catch many bugs at compilation time
Application code is a small % of the runtime environnement
OCaml code can be compiled to unikernels, using MirageOS
Cloud-centric architecture is fundamentally flawed with security, data privacy and transparency issues
Tarides develops Irmin, a distributed key-value git-like database, written in OCaml.
allows to
write websites and editor extensions in OCaml
Unikernel compiler: Instead of compiling to an executable to be run inside an OS, compiles to a unikernel.
Library operating system: MirageOS ecosystem includes as libraries all the functionalities usually provided by the OS: time, networking, storage.
module HelloWorld (Time : Mirage_time.S) = struct
let start _time = (fun f -> f "Waiting one second...");
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> (fun f -> f "Hello World!");
(* ARP implementation is parametrized by the Ethernet
and Time implementation *)
module Make (Ethernet : Ethernet.S) (Time : Mirage_time.S) : sig
include S
val connect : Ethernet.t -> t Lwt.t
A MirageOS unikernel implementing the HTTPS protocol is set up.
In the unikernel, there are 10 bitcoins which will be transfered if given an appropriately signed certificate.
An anouncement is made, calling hackers to break into the unikernel and get the bitcoins.
The code is open source, and all attack vectors are legit (except social engineering).
Many attemps: More than 500 000 accesses to the Piñata website, and more than 150,000 attempts at connecting to the Piñata bounty.
Some found software bugs
No bugs were exploitable
, with support for:
OCE, an initiative providing OCaml formation, startup contest, ...
Working for diversity and inclusion in OCaml community: