Adding structure to the sets of Ramsey's theorem
Let \(f:[\mathbb N]^n\to k\) be a coloring of \(n\)-elements subsets, into \(k\) colors. Then, there exists an infinite \(S\subseteq \mathbb N\) such that \(f\) is monochromatic on \([S]^n\).
Adding structure to Ramsey's theorem would yield the following statement:
Let \(\mathbb A\) be a countable \(\mathcal L\)-structure on a language \(\mathcal L\), let \(f:[\mathbb A]^n\to k\) be a coloring of \(n\)-elements subsets of \(\mathbb A\).
Then, there exists a subcopy \(\mathbb S\subseteq \mathbb A\) such that \(f\) is monochromatic on \([\mathbb S]^n\).
Let \(\mathbb A\) be a countable \(\mathcal L\)-structure on a language \(\mathcal L\), let \(f:[\mathbb A]^n\to k\) be a coloring of \(n\)-elements subsets of \(\mathbb A\).
Then, there exists a subcopy \(\mathbb S\subseteq \mathbb A\) such that \(f\) takes at most \(\ell\) colors on \([\mathbb S]^n\).
- In the case of Ramsey's theorem, the language \(\mathcal L\) is empty. A subcopy of a countable \(\mathcal L\)-structure is an infinite subset.
- However, the statement is false for many structures, such as for 2-tuples when \(\mathbb A\) is a non-trivial graph, or whenever there are two non isomorphic substructures of cardinality \(n\). Thus, one needs to allow more colors in the output.
It is more natural for a Ramsey statement for structures to color \([\mathbb A]^{\mathbb F}\) the set of finite subcopies of \(\mathbb F\) inside \(\mathbb A\), where \(\mathbb F\) is a finite structure. We won't focus here on this distinction.
- An \(\mathcal L\)-structure \(\mathbb A\) has finite big Ramsey numbers if for every \(n\), there exists \(\ell_n\) such that Ramsey's statement for \(\mathbb A\), \(n\)-tuples and \(\ell_n\) colors allowed is true.
- The optimal \(\ell_n\) is called the big Ramsey number for \(n\)-tuples.
Structures with finite big Ramsey numbers
We will essentially see two structures with finite big Ramsey numbers:
Dense Linear Order
A dense linear order is an \(\mathcal L\)-structure on the language \(\{\leq\}\), satisfying the axioms of a linear order and \(\forall x\lt y,\ \exists a,b,c,\) s.t. \[a\lt x\lt b\lt y\lt c\]
- An \(\mathcal L\)-structure \(\mathbb A\) is universal for a class of finite structures \(\mathcal C\) if every element of \(\mathcal C\) embeds into \(\mathbb A\).
- An \(\mathcal L\)-structure \(\mathbb A\) is homogeneous if every isomorphism between two finite substructures of \(\mathbb A\) extends to an automorphism of \(\mathbb A\).
A dense linear order is the homogeneous structure universal for the class of finite orders.
All \(n\)-tuples of elements of a DLO are isomorphic. However, the big Ramsey number for 2-tuples is not 1. Consider a DLO \((Q,\leq_Q)\) with \(Q\subseteq\mathbb N\), and the 2-coloring \(f:[Q]^2\to 2\) such that: \[\forall x\lt_{\mathbb N}y\in Q,\quad f(\{x,y\})=0\quad\text{ iff }\quad x\leq_Q y\] Then\(f\) cannot be monochromatic on sub DLO \(Q'\) of \(Q\) as there would exists \(x,y_0, y_1\in Q'\) such that \[x\lt_{\mathbb N}y_0, y_1\quad\land\quad y_0\lt_Qx\lt_Qy_1\]
The DLO structure has finite big Ramsey numbers. The values are \(\ell_1=1\), \(\ell_2=2\), \(\ell_3=16\), \(\ell_4=272\), ...
Rado graph
The Rado graph
A Rado graph \(\mathbb G\) is the \(\mathcal L\)-structure on \(\{E\}\) that satisfies the following:
For every disjoint finite \(F_0, F_1\subseteq\mathbb G\), there exists \(v\in\mathbb G\) such that: \[\forall v'\in F_0,\ v\mathbin Ev'\quad\quad\forall v'\in F_1,\ \lnot (v\mathbin Ev')\]
\(\mathbb G\) is homogeneous and universal for the class of finite graphs.
The big Ramsey number of the Rado graph for 2-tuples must be at least 2, as witnessed by the coloring which depends only on the substructure: \(f:[\mathbb G]^2\to 2\) s.t. \[f(\{x;y\})=0\iff x\mathbin E y\]
Any Rado subgraph of \(\mathbb G\) must contain two linked vertices and two non-linked vertices.
The Rado graph \(\mathbb G\) has finite big Ramsey numbers. The values are \(\ell_1=1\), \(\ell_2=4\), \(\ell_3=112\), \(\ell_4=12352\), ...
The proofs of both Devlin's theorem and the Rado graph theorem have the same structure. Their combinatorial core is the use of Milliken's tree theorem.
Milliken's tree theorem
- A tree is a set \(T\subseteq \omega^{<\omega}\) closed under "longest common prefix".
- The level of a node \(\sigma\in T\) is the number of strict predecessors. The \(n\)-th level \(T(n)\) of a tree is the set of nodes of level \(n\).
- The height of a tree is the smallest ordinal strictly greater than the levels of all of its nodes
- A node \(\sigma\in T\) is \(k\)-branching if it has exactly \(k\) incompatible extensions in \(T\)
A tree \(S\subseteq T\) of height \(\alpha\leq\omega\) is a
strong subtree of a tree \(T\) if:
- Levels are preserved: \(\exists f:\alpha\to\omega\) (the level function) such that \[\forall n<\alpha, \sigma\in S(n)\implies \sigma\in T(f(n))\]
- Branching is preserved: \(\forall\sigma\in S\) not in the last level of \(S\), \[\sigma\text{ is \(k\)-branching in \(S\)} \iff \text{\(\sigma\) is \(k\)-branching in \(T\)}\]
\(\mathcal S_\alpha(T)\) is the set of all strong subtrees of \(T\) of height \(\alpha\).
Let \(T\) be a tree, \(n\in\omega\) and \(f:\mathcal S_n(T)\to k\) a \(k\)-coloring of the strong subtrees of height \(n\).
Then, there exists \(S\in\mathcal S_\omega(T)\) a strong subtree of \(T\) of infinite height such that \(f\) is constant on \(\mathcal S_n(S)\).
How Milliken implies Devlin and Rado
We now glance at the common structure of the proof of Devlin's theorem and the Rado graph theorem, assuming Milliken's tree theorem.
Let \(\sigma,\tau\in2^{<\omega}\).
We say that \(\sigma\lt_{\mathbb Q}\tau\) if
\[(\sigma\wedge\tau)^\frown0\prec\sigma\qquad\text{or}\qquad (\sigma\wedge\tau)^\frown1\prec\tau\]
Proof of Devlin's Theorem: Let \(T\) be a perfect binary tree and \(S\) be any strong subtree of \(T\). We first prove the following three embeddings:
By the fact that \(\mathbb Q\) is homogeneous and universal for the class of finite orders.
Because the definition of \(\lt_{\mathbb Q}\) does not depend on the tree.
The ordering \(\lt_{\mathbb Q}\) on a perfect binary tree is a dense linear ordering.
Fix a coloring \(f:[\mathbb Q]^n\to k\).
Fix \(T\). The injection \(i\) induces \(f_T:\mathcal S_{2n-1}(T)\to K\) by \[f_T(S) = (f(i[H]))_{H\in[S]^{2n-1}}\]
WRONG: \(\quad f_T(\)


\()=(f(q,q_0),f(q,q_1),f(q_0,q_1), f(q_{00}, q_1), \dots)\)
Milliken's tree theorem gives us \(S\in\mathcal S_\omega(T)\) monochromatic for \(f_T\).
This subcopy of \(\mathbb Q\) uses at most \({2^{2n-1}-1}\choose n\) colors.
Rado graph
Let \(\sigma,\tau\in2^{<\omega}\).
We say that \(\sigma \mathbin{E_{\mathrm{pn}}}\tau\) if
\[|\sigma|\lt|\tau|\ \land\ \tau(|\sigma|)=1 \qquad \text{or} \qquad |\sigma|\gt|\tau|\ \land\ \sigma(|\tau|)=1 \]
Proof of the Rado graph theorem: Let \(T\) be a perfect binary tree and \(S\) be any strong subtree of \(T\). We first prove the following three embeddings:
By the fact that \(\mathbb G\) is homogeneous and universal for the class of finite graphs.
Because the definition of \(E_{\mathrm{pn}}\) does not depend on the tree.
Fix a coloring \(f:[\mathbb G]^n\to k\).
Fix \(T\). The injection \(i\) induces \(f_T:\mathcal S_{2n-1}(T)\to K\) by \[f_T(S) = (f(i[H]))_{H\in[S]^{2n-1}}\]

\()=(f(q,q_0),f(q,q_1),f(q_0,q_1), f(q_{00}, q_1),\dots)\)
Milliken's tree theorem gives us \(S\in\mathcal S_\omega(T)\) monochromatic for \(f_T\).
This subcopy of \(\mathbb G\) uses at most \({2^{2n-1}-1}\choose n\) colors.
Let \(\mathbb A\) be a structure on a language \(\mathcal L\). If one can prove that there exists a tree \(T\) and a set of relations \(R\) such that whenever \(S\in\mathcal S_\omega(T)\):
- \((T,R)\) embeds into \(\mathbb A\)
- True when \(\mathbb A\) homogeneous and universal for the finite substructures of \((T,R)\)
- \((S,R)\) embeds into \((T, R)\),
- True when \(R\) defined on \(2^{<\omega}\),
- \(\mathbb A\) embeds into \((S,R)\),
Then by Milliken's tree theorem, \(\mathbb A\) has finite big Ramsey numbers.
We now clearly see that understanding the computational strength of Milliken's tree theorem is essential to understand the computational strength of Devlin's theorem and the Rado graph theorem.
The computational strength of Milliken's tree theorem
By \(\mathrm{MTT}^n\), we mean the statement of Milliken's tree theorem for strong subtrees of height \(n\).
\(\mathrm{MTT}^n\) implies \(\mathrm{RT}^n\), by applying the former to the coloring \(f'(S)=f(\{|\sigma|:\sigma\in S\})\).
Every computable instance of \(\mathrm{MTT}^n_k\) admits a \(\Delta^0_{2n-1}\) solution.
\(\mathcal S_{\alpha}(T_0,\dots, T_{d-1})\) is the collection of all tuples:
\[(S_0,\dots,S_{d-1})\in\mathcal{S}_\alpha(T_0)\times\dots\times\mathcal S_\alpha(T_{d-1})\] with a common level function.
Let \(T_0,\dots,T_{d-1}\) be infinite trees with no leaves. For all \(k \geq 1\) and all \[f: \mathcal S_1(T_0, \cdots, T_{d-1}) \to k\] there exists \((S_0,\dots,S_{d-1}) \in \mathcal S_{\omega}(T_0,\dots,T_{d-1})\) such that \(f\) is constant on \(\mathcal S_1(S_0, \dots, S_{d-1})\).
\(T,f\) computable
- \(\mathrm{HL}\) is computably true.
- \(\mathrm{CMTT^n}\) admits \(\Delta^0_3\) solutions.
\(S\) arithmetical
\(S,f_{\mathrm{lim}}\) arithmetical
- \(\mathrm{MTT}^1\) is computably true (by \(\mathrm{HL}\)).
- Suppose \(\mathrm{MTT^{n-1}}\) admits arithmetical solutions.
\(S'\) arithmetical
\(\mathrm{MTT}^2\) does not imply \(\mathrm{ACA}_0\)
\(T,f\) cone avoiding
- \(\mathrm{HL}\) admits cone avoidance.
- \(\mathrm{CMTT^n}\) admits cone avoidance.
\(S,f\) cone avoiding
\(S\) cone avoiding,
\(f_{\mathrm{lim}}\) arithmetical in \(S\)
\(\mathrm{HL}\) admits strong cone avoidance.
\(S'\) cone avoiding
\(\mathrm{RG}^n\) and \(\mathrm{DT}^n\) denote Rado graph theorem and Devlin's theorem with optimal bounds.
Recall that two strings define three levels:

so we used \(\mathrm{MTT}^3\) for \(\mathrm{DT}^2\) and \(\mathrm{RG}^2\)
\(\mathrm{RG}^2\) admits cone avoidance, while \(\mathrm{DT}^2\) implies \(\mathrm{ACA}_0\)
\(\mathrm{MTT}^3_{\ell}\) and \(\mathrm{DT}^2_{\ell}\) denote the theorems when \(\ell\) colors are accepted in the solution.
\(\mathrm{MTT}^3_{2}\) and \(\mathrm{DT}^2_{4}\) admit cone avoidance, the bounds are optimal.
Thank you for your attention!